Friday, May 30, 2008

12 Week Checkup

Ok, so the ticker at the top of my page says we are 13 weeks pregnant, that is incorrect. I have it set to my Delivery Date, not my Due Date (Delivery Date, 12/04...Due Date 12/10). I really think their tickers are the cutest and that is why I chose it. Sorry for the confusion, but I wanted to set the record straight.
I really wish that we had a Scanner so I could scan in my pictures from my second Ultrasound, but we don't. However, it went great. The baby actually looks like a baby. It is amazing how much the baby has changed in four weeks. When we first saw it, it looked like a big ball of mush and now it looks like a baby! The baby behaved very well for the Technician and she was able to get some good neck measurements within the first five minutes. After that, the baby woke up and was kicking and dancing all over the place. It was so weird to be able to see the baby kick and move but not be able to feel it. I think the baby is going to be shy like it's big sister; he/she kept putting their hands over their eyes and playing peek-a-boo with us...too cute! We also heard the heart beat...162 beats per minute (same as last time).
As for me, well, I have lost 10 pounds since I found out, which is normal. If I remember right, I lost about that much with Olivia and didn't really start gaining until around 16-20 weeks. Even though I have lost some weight, I am starting to show. I have a soft, squishy little pouch and I am in the in-between stage right now with clothes. My clothes are getting too tight but maternity clothes are still too big.
I am having trouble staying asleep at night. Going to sleep is no problem, but after about 4 or 5 hours, I am up, tossing and turning the rest of the night and feel pretty crummy the next morning and day. When I stay home with Olivia and on the weekends, I am able to take naps, which help, but I would just rather sleep through the night.
I don't really have any food aversions, but I can't eat as much as I used to. I have noticed though that I am always hungry every couple of hours and I eat until I am full, so I guess the baby is taking everything.
Olivia is doing great. She is going to make a fabulous big sister. She really loves to play with her babies and feed them their bottles and love on them.
She also really enjoys books. Her favorite right now is: "What Color is Your Underwear?" and loves to say the color purple. There is a page in the book that says: "What color is your underwear, Tommy Turtle?...Purple, purple, purple, purple." Every time you ask her to say purple, she says it four times, just like in the cute! She is talking more, but really only says what I ask her to repeat; which I guess is a step in the right direction.
We are working on colors right now. She really likes to read about them, but if I point to something and ask her what color it is, she looks at me with a blank expression on her face until I tell her what it is and she repeats it. We have also been working on counting to five. We have been working on saying the number and showing the number with our fingers. Three seems to be the hardest one to say and show, which it really is. And, when I say five, she wants to give me a five instead of show me five.
She now says Mommy and Daddy, although I really prefer Mama. But, whenever she wants something, no matter who is around, they are mama. She can also say: "I love you; where are you; thank you; all gone--this also means all done; stop; shhh (she even puts her finger to her mouth when she says it); apple (although, she says app and then spits -le); baby; woof-woof; cat; meow; red; blue; yellow; one; hot; milk (says it and signs it)...and lots of other words, I just can't think of all of them right now.
She still takes two naps a day, and for a while, I was trying to cut out the morning nap, but since I have been so tired lately, it has really come in handy. She also sleeps about 10-11 hours at night, too. She has always been a good sleeper and I hope the next one is, too.
Let's see, what else is going on. Oh, tomorrow is mine and Jonathon's 5-year wedding anniversary. I have to work in the morning, boo, but afterwards, we are heading up to Whitesboro for a party at a ranch. Jonathon's boss and his family are hosting a family-style ranch party tomorrow afternoon and we are going to have a blast. They are going to have bounce houses, sprinklers and hay rides for the kiddos, and fishing and skeet shooting for the guys. Jonathon is so excited! He hasn't fished or shot skeets in a long time. At night, they are going to start a huge bonfire and cook hamburgers, hot dogs and smores :)
Oh, and my Grandpa is officially home as of Monday. I don't really know too much else, but it is great that he is home and able to walk with a cane instead of a walker. Thank you for all of your prayers.


adam, elizabeth and connor said...

glad your appt went so well!! are you planning to find out boy/girl? i enjoy reading your blog! you will have to post preggo pics soon!

Lauren said...

I agree with Elizabeth....when do we get to start seeing pregnant pictures?!?!? Glad to hear you are feeling well and things are going well with you both. It seems like it is going so fast to me, but Im sure that is because I am not the one pregnant! Hopefully we will be able to see you before December....our house is always open for you guys:) Gald your grandpa is home too.
Oh yeah, happy anniversary! Silas and I celebrated our 6th yesterday:) Time sure flies.

Robin said...

I can't wait till you find out if it is a boy or a girl! There are so many boys coming into this world right now that it would be great either way, to add another new baby boy amongst all of us pregos or to change it up and it be a girl! ;)

Happy Anniversary...again!