Tuesday, April 28, 2009


These pictures were taken by Our 365 Photography. They are awesome! This is the same company who did Olivia's one month and one year photos. I love how this company works. They have the photographer come to your house and they set up the backdrops and the lights, and you can use your own toys and do the photo session right in your own home. The only downside to this company is the cost of their packages, but after speaking with a friend of mine, apparently they are pretty competitively priced.
As you will notice, Claire was as happy as a clam the whole time while Olivia was a booger and only smiled for a couple of the pictures. In her defense, I had to wake her up from her nap so she wasn't too happy. However, both girls are absolutely beautiful and the pictures turned out wonderful.
(We do have the rights to publish and print these photos, so if you would like a copy, just copy the picture to your computer and print it out)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Out of the mouth of kids...

So last night, after Claire went to bed, Jonathon, Olivia and I were snuggling on our bed. She kept trying to get up and play, but I kept pushing her down because I wanted to snuggle with her. After a few minutes of this, she got really frustrated with me and started crying. Then, she looked at Jonathon and said, "It's pissing me off!" I had her repeat it several times because I couldn't believe it, but then we just started cracking up. Once she heard us laughing, she started giggling, too. Hopefully, this is just a one time incident and she will not say it anymore. We sooooo have to watch what we say, even more than we already do.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sisterly Love, right?

You can't see it, but Olivia was giggling the whole time Claire tried to eat her arm :)

I guess Claire figured out how to tickle Olivia. The younger sibling tormenting the older one has already started. Oh boy, I am so not ready for this!

Ok, this is my absolute favorite picture! I just love how they are both looking at each other and look, their hands are almost in the exact same spot! Now this I can handle!

Everyone keeps telling me that the girls look so much alike, but I just don't see it. Am I crazy?! Maybe it is because I see them every day and their little personalities are so different. Side note: Claire's hair is looking a little blond along her forehead. And, she has lost a ton of hair and is starting to sport a receding hair line.

She was playing shy...silly girl! Doesn't she have the sweetest smile? She is cute and she knows it. She tries to use her cuteness to get out of being in trouble.

We bought her a keyboard that looks like a baby grand piano, but does she play with it? No! She plays with this $5 piano. Grrr! In her defense, the keyboard is down stairs and she does play with it; in fact, she really likes it. One time when she and I were flying from Indiana back to Dallas, the lady we sat next to on the plane kept commenting about how long and dainty Olivia's fingers were and that she would make an excellent pianist...I think it is just funny because she does like to play.

I just love this face and hair!