Monday, April 6, 2009

Sorry for the delay...

Well, Claire turned 4 months on March 15th and had her 4 month checkup on the 23rd. I cannot believe it has taken me this long to update her stats. Bad mommy!

Weight: 11 Pounds/0.8 Ounces (5th Percentile)
Height: 24 Inches (25-50th Percentile)
Head: 40 Centimeters (25-50th Percentile)

So, she is doing great as far as Height and Head Circumference, but we are struggling with weight...great, here we go again. The doctor isn't concerned since we battled weight gain with Olivia as well. However, she is growing and thriving and that is what is important. I don't know if I have mentioned this or not, but she has been pooping sporadically since the middle of March, and I think she has only pooed a handful of times since then. I took her in once and they gave her a Suppository, but the Pediatrician seems to think her body is just absorbing everything and isn't too concerned. However, we are going on Day 15 without a poo and if there isn't one by tonight, I will take her in tomorrow.

Claire has also started teething, so we have had to break out the bibs. She is a drooling machine and we have already had to give her a couple of doses of Tylenol, too. She absolutely refuses to take a pacifier, so we are experiencing a whole other level of teething that we didn't with Olivia. While she isn't too cranky, she is a little more cranky than Olivia was.

We have had a pretty busy month, as I am getting out more and more with the girls during the day. Last week, we went to lunch and shopping, the Children's Museum, Kindermusik, and 3 Easter Egg Hunts. Olivia had a blast at the Egg Hunts, but she isn't aggressive in hunting for the eggs so she didn't get very many, but she really only wanted the candy anyway.

Here are some pictures from our adventures. I have a love/hate relationship with my new camera. I love how slender and portable this new camera is, but man, the battery is always exhausted and I haven't taken nearly as many pictures of Claire as I did with Olivia. Stupid thing! Anyway, here they are:


Robin said...

Love that dress O! ;)

KK :) said...

she is so cute :) i miss you guys!!