Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Pictures

We had a great Easter and hope you all did as well. Over the past two weekends, we went to a total of 5 Easter Egg Hunts. Needless to say, Olivia is now a pro. She had such a blast and keeps asking to do it again.
Unfortunately, in all of the hustle and bustle of yesterday, I forgot to get a family photo and a photo of the girls together, but I did get some of them in their adorable Easter dresses Grandma Measy bought them. I will dress them up again later today and take group photos.
Claire has started teething hardcore, so Tylenol has become our best friend. She handles it pretty well until around bed time and then she is pretty cranky. She has officially become a finger sucker, which I hate, but at least we do not have to break her from a pacifier.
The pictures with the boys were taken yesterday at a family event. Drew is 2 months younger than Olivia and they get along great. When I told Olivia we were going to Drew's house for Easter last Monday, she was so excited and asked every day to go. The other little boy is T-Daniel, Jonathon's Step-Brother.

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