Sunday, June 22, 2008

I know you've missed me!

I know, I know, it has been a while since my last post; I apologize and hopefully it will not happen again, but no guarantees.
Let's see, what has been going on. Jonathon has been working a ton, and by a ton, I mean going in early, staying late, working from home at night and on the weekends. I can't wait for the company to move and be finished. He has been such a Rock Star while working for his new company and he loves it, so I guess that is pretty cool in and of itself.
Olivia and I have been enjoying the warm weather lately. A couple of weeks ago we bought her a $5 pool and she loves it. We have also had the opportunity to go to a couple of our friends' houses who have pools, and she loves swimming. She doesn't quite understand she isn't big enough to swim by herself, but she still has a great time.
I have started planning her second birthday party, can you believe she will be two in just a month, and we are having the party at the local pool. I decided that our house isn't big enough to host all of our family and friends inside, and I do not want to deal with several two year olds fighting over toys (did that recently and Olivia didn't handle it very well), and figured there is nothing better to do on a hot summer day than go to the pool and have cake, too. So, we have already booked the Partybrella now I have to make the invitations, order the cake, get some finger foods and drinks, and make the party favors. So much to do, so little time.
What else? Oh, Jonathon and I have agreed on a girls name, finally. We find out at the end of July what we are having, and we are so excited. I have heard we are having both sexes, and usually I can figure out what other people are having, but I cannot figure this one out. I have a feeling, but I am not going to say it out loud, for the fear that I have terrible mother's instinct, but we will be happy with either a boy or girl; we just want a happy and healthy baby.
Everything is going much better on the pregnancy front. I am finally starting to feel good. For those of you who do not know, I have been struggling with staying healthy so far with this pregnancy. When I first found out I was pregnant, I had Strep Throat, then I hit my knee in Florida and a condition called Erythema Nodosum flared up (I hit a balloon pocket in my knee just right and because I had Strep Throat, those two factors caused this thing to flare up...I still have a small case of it left, but it is much better. My knee and lower left leg had these huge, goose egg, painful bruises all over them and it took weeks for them to go away and it was swollen, red, and heat radiated from them. Fun? I think not.) Then, at the beginning of June, a Cold hit our house. I got it first, then Jonathon and then Olivia. Of course I was the first to get hit and the last to get better. Since I am pregnant, I am too scared to take anything, so I just suffered through. I did go to the doctor though because my throat hurt so bad I thought I had Strep Throat again, but alas, I failed the test. She said my throat was just irritated and raw from the sinus drainage. So, now that I am over my Cold, I feel fabulous. I have started eating a lot more, which is good because since I found out I was pregnant, I have lost about 15 pounds.
What else? Oh, this Thursday, Olivia and I are going to a free trial gymnastics class at The Little Gym. Lately, she has been putting her head on the floor and it looks like she is going to do a somersault, but she doesn't kick her feet off the ground. She has also been hopping around the house like she is a frog so we thought it was time to get her into a gymnastics class. I hope she really likes it. We think she will after a couple of sessions, so we will see.
I have a doctor's appointment this Thursday. It is just a routine checkup. At the last appointment, we were able to hear the heart beat through the Ultrasound machine, so I hope he puts the doppler on my belly and we are able to hear it. I wasn't able to see my doctor at my last appointment because he had to fly out to Denver the morning of my appointment to run in a marathon.
Jonathon took some pictures of his garden earlier this afternoon and while downloading the pictures, we found some we had forgotten about. They are from our trip to the Dallas Zoo and swimming.


Lauren said...

Olivia is too precious! I love the pigtails:) I am glad to hear you are feeling better from all of the things that have bothered you during pregnancy. Hopefully it will all be smooth sailing from here on out. I still can't belive you are having another baby!!! You are right, things have changed so much in our lives:) All for the better though. Thanks for the encouragement too, I definitely need it right now!

adam, elizabeth and connor said...

sorry to read about your recent illnesses!! hopefully the rest of the pregnancy will go much smoother!!

Robin said...

You're right, we have missed you...but I haven't been posting either! Have you tried the slip n slide for Olivia yet? P & G don't slide on their bellies, they just run through/on it like a sprinkler and splash in the end! ;)