Friday, March 28, 2008

I love Whip Cream!

Tonight, Jonathon made homemade whip cream and we had that with strawberries for our dessert tonight. Olivia loves whip cream. She was just sticking the same strawberry in the bowl of whip cream and licking it off and then I showed her how to use her finger. She would switch between using the finger and the strawberry, but she had a great time and got whip cream everywhere. I have wiped down the couch, but I have a feeling it will be sticky in the morning, so I will have to do it again.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How adorable! I love your blog site. Olivia is getting so big. I can't wait to see her again & wait until she & Rylee have a chance to play. That will be fun. Love & miss you guys! Love, Aunt Cinda