Monday, September 29, 2008

I can't believe it.

I woke up this morning with double pink eye; can you believe that? Isn't pink eye something you get when you are a kid? I have no idea how I even got pink eye.

Yesterday, I was going to take 29 week photos, but since the pink eye started in my left eye yesterday, I didn't want to take pictures with an ugly eye. So, I will take pictures once my eyes start looking better. I am going to the doctor later today so I am hoping they can give me some antibiotics that start working immediately.

Now that I have reached the beginning of the third trimester, I start going to my doctor every two weeks. I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going. When I was pregnant with Olivia, I only made it to one of the every two week appointments before I was put on hospital bed rest. The last appointment I had at the doctor's office with Olivia was not pleasant. It was an Ultrasound to check on the position of my Placenta and while they were checking, Olivia's head was in the way and they could not get her to move. By the end of the appointment, I had one Tech pushing up on my belly and another Tech performing the Ultrasound, and not on my belly if you know what I mean (I sure hope you do because I don't want to explain it). I am just excited to make it to this point and continue to pray for a complication-free pregnancy. I can't believe Claire will be here in just 9 short weeks. AAAAHHH!

So, check back later this week for updated photos. Hopefully my eyes will start looking better soon so I can take them.

1 comment:

Robin said...

I can't believe that you have pink eye. That is so uncomfortable.

Take this time to rest since I am sure you don't feel like doing a whole lot!