Friday, April 18, 2008

Well, what can I say?

I think the pictures say it all. I tried several times to get a good shot, but it doesn't really come through until the last picture.

And this is how she really feels about a new baby :) No, I'm kidding. Olivia will be a terrific big sister.

Ok, if you can't read what the shirt says, it says: "December 2008, I will be a big sister!" I really wanted to wait for a couple of more weeks to spread the news, but I just couldn't hold it in any longer.
So, there you have it, our big news. Jonathon and I, plus a few others, have known for about three weeks. I haven't had an appointment with my doctor yet, that isn't scheduled until May 1st. At that appointment, I will have an Ultrasound and then talk with the doctor. So, I don't know my official due date, but the online calendars I have been using say the date is December 14/15, 2008. No official word yet, but I am thinking since I had a previous C-Section, I will have to have another, unless my doctor believes in VBAC's, which I am not sure I even want to attempt. Anyway, if I have to have another C-Section, I think the earliest he will schedule the surgery is two weeks from due date but no later than a week. So, that could put the baby arriving between December 1-8, and it can't be the 1st because that is Jonathon's brother, Jeremy, birthday.
We actually found out we were pregnant on April 1, April Fool's Day. The first test I took, I couldn't tell if the second line was actually on the test or not, but I figured since there was a faint second line it was positive. But at Jonathon's request, the next day I went to the store and picked up the kind that say, "pregnant or not pregnant" to clear up any confusion. Within a minute it came back as "pregnant".
Yes we are very very excited. Am I excited about the due date? Yes and no. I always said I didn't want any of my children's birthdays to compete with the holidays, but I guess God thought differently. It just means this year that I will not be able to travel to see my family, they will have to come to me, which isn't so bad :)
So far, I have not felt nauseas and have not had any morning sickness. I have already noticed an increase in my appetite, however. Just within the past couple of days, about 2 or 3 o'clock in the afternoon, I have noticed I am a little more tired and feel run down, but other than that, I feel really good.
Just a couple of things to ask all of you friends and family to pray for. Please pray for a healthy and complication-free pregnancy. This past November, we had a miscarriage and while pregnant with Olivia, I was diagnosed with Placenta Previa and had a couple of scary bleeding episodes. Due to the Previa, Olivia was born a month early. Even though my chance of having Previa again is about 5%, please pray that we will not have to go through it again. Especially pray for no miscarriage. This was the reason I didn't want to share the news since we had one at 7 weeks, but this pregnancy so far is much different than that one. Jonathon and I were bummed that we lost the baby, but we knew it was a blessing in disguise and knew that God was taking care and looking out for us. Also, please pray for a healthy baby. Even though Olivia was born a month early, we were VERY fortunate she was born healthy and did not have to spend any time in the NICU and we were able to all come home together after 4 days. And lastly, pray for Olivia to handle the transition from being an only child to a big sister smoothly. She gets very jealous if I hold another baby or if Jonathon and I hug in front of her.
So, with all of this new news, check back often as we will keep you all updated with posts and pictures.


Robin said...

Again, congrats congrats congrats!!! I am so excited for you and so happy that we get to go through this pregnancy together...AGAIN! Gavin and Olivia are 2 mos apart and and our new BABY BOY and your baby will be 3 1/2 mos apart! How wonderful.

Miss you!

And I am so happy that you couldn't wait to post about it.

adam, elizabeth and connor said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I will definitely keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers! Can't wait to keep reading your updates! How lucky for you that you don't have any morning sickness! I hope all continues to go well!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!!!!!!! Those are some great news, I am really excited for you. You know both of my boys were born on Christmas (25.+26.) and they still have a good birthday. :)

Congrats again!!!

Eric, Sina, Jonathan and Brandon Compton

Lauren said...

I am so excited for you guys! We will be praying for no complications in pregnancy or delivery:) Olivia will be a great big sister I'm sure. I can't wait to find out what it is:)

adam, elizabeth and connor said...

thanks so much for all the advice! hope all is well!