Thursday, April 24, 2008

Speech Therapy?

I am happy to report that yesterday Jonathon and I had Olivia tested by an Early Intervention program for Speech Therapy, and she was denied. This is perfect! This means that she is a perfectly normal 21-month-old little girl; which as a first time mom, who frets about every little thing, I needed to hear this.
While at this meeting, they gave Olivia a puzzle to do--it had big knobs and it was colors and shapes--and she put it back together very easily. She did struggle with the orange rectangle, and she even did her straining voice, which they thought was very cute and funny, but with a little persistence from me, she was able to do it. So, now that I know she enjoyed putting the puzzle together, I need to go and get her some.
Also, at this meeting, the ladies were very impressed with how much sign language she uses and how fast she picks it up. They told me to continue to use the sign language, with the word, which I already do, and hopefully she will start saying it, too. All in all, with the sign language and regular vocabulary, she says about 25 words, which is normal for her age, or so they say.
As of recently, she has expressed and interest in dressing and undressing herself, mainly with her shoes. As I am typing right now, she is trying to put her flip flop on. When we are dressing her in the mornings, after we put her shirt over her head, she likes to pull it down over her belly. Also, when we are putting her pants on her, we ask for either her left or right leg and most of the time, she gets them right, which is impressive because I know she doesn't really know which one is which.
For a couple of months now, Olivia has been into pretend play. She has some of her baby blankets, which I let her play with because she now has lots of baby dolls, and she loves to spread out the blanket and wrap her babies up and carry them around the house. She also really loves her kitchen. I always set out a bowl of snacks--Cheerios, Cheez-Its, Grapes, Goldfish, whatever--and she likes to take her bowl of snacks and empty it out on to one of her plates and carry it around without spilling them. If she spills, she is immediately on the floor picking them up and saying, "Uh-Oh", and then of course I help her clean them up, too.
So all in all, Olivia is perfectly normal, and I am happy she is considered ineligible for the Early Intervention/Speech Therapy program.


Robin said...

I am so glad! I told you that it would be a relief to know and I am so happy that you met with them! It is really difficult when one professional tells you something and another tells you something completely different! She will be talking more than you would like for her to in no time anyway, so enjoy the signs!


Lauren said...

Such good news!! And I am sure it comes with a lot of relief too:) She will be talking up a storm before you know it. I know it is so hard not to worry about things dealing with our children, especially the first time around. We should be coming to Texas in the next few weekends and hope to get to see you guys!

adam, elizabeth and connor said...

i had no idea that olivia was having problems, but i am glad to hear she doesn't need speech therapy.... that is soo cool that she can do a little sign language!! hope all is well!