Monday, March 2, 2009

Guess who is gaining weight?

Our little Claire Bear (that's her nickname and if you ask Olivia what her sissy's name is, she will say, "Claire Bear" cute).
I had to take her to the doctor for a yeast infection and I didn't know if they were going to weigh or her or not, but to my surprise, they did. She currently weighs, 11 pounds/4 ounces. We do not go in for her 4 month appointment until the middle of March so I am hoping she gains a little more. However, she is happy, healthy and thriving.
She is such a good baby. The only time you hear her cry is if she is hungry, tired, gassy, and getting in her car seat. Boy, does she hate the car seat. But, once we get her in the car and get going, she calms down and sometimes even goes to sleep. However, if you put her in the car and she is crying and you do a bunch of stops and starts in a row, she will cry. That, is not very fun.
Claire has started cooing like crazy and it is so wonderful to hear her talk. Olivia never was a big coo-er so this is nice to hear. She is also on the verge of doing a big belly laugh, I know it will happen soon. She loves it when you give her kisses or raspberries on her neck; she coos and does a little giggle.
Claire is just like her big sister when it comes to the doctor. She screams and cries the whole entire time, except for she is louder than Olivia was.
Speaking of Claire, I have to go. She is waking up from her nap and she is HUNGRY!
Here are some recent pictures of the girls. We also tried to take a family photo, but Olivia wasn't having it, so we did it anyway to use the pictures as blackmail later. :)

1 comment:

Robin said...

All of the pictures are great...and Olivia started doing so much better towards the end. The ones with her and Claire are great. They are my little bow girls! hahaha Love it! So glad she is gaining weight. Look for Brady's update soon. Dr appt was today