Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The girls are growing like weeds!

Olivia is now in size 2T and they fit her in length, but not in the waist. She has to have adjustable waist pants (what did our parents do for us?) put on the tightest setting, or her pants fall down. Where did my baby go? She is growing way too fast but I am loving it, too. She is able to communicate what she wants/needs and is really fun to be around; not that she wasn't before, but she is a little person who can do things.
Claire is changing every day. She is getting more on a schedule and since my last post, has been going down between 8-9 p.m. every night and sleeping until between 4 &6 a.m. and going back down for 2 or 3 more hours. I am loving it. She is up for about three hours and then takes a nap, so she is down for 3 naps a day. It still makes going out difficult, but we have a few times and it is getting easier. I just hate taking her out in this crazy Texas weather. I mean, it is late February and we are already experiencing 80 degree days and having to open our windows. I really want to have a nice Spring.
Well, here are some pictures from the past couple of weeks. I have been trying to upload videos on here but for some reason, they never do. Anyone have any suggestions?
(By the way, Claire has had a couple of blow outs, but today she had the biggest one ever! Photos will show the damage; I didn't even try to salvage the clothes.)

Oh, it was nasty, but we got the onesie off and put her in the bath immediately. She smelled lovely afterwards and stopped being so fussy. Poor baby.

It was every where!

Poor bouncy seat!

She is getting better about letting Jonathon hold her.

She is starting to like her activity mat more. She can stay there for about 15 minutes before getting cranky.

She is starting to sit in her Bumbo seat more and more. She has a really strong neck, believe me, I know, but for some reason, she gets all floppy when she gets in it. We are working on it, though.

Olivia loves to run and hide under her bed. Her favorite thing to do is hide when she hears daddy opening the front door and have him scare her.

Olivia wanted to play doctor, but I was feeding Claire, so Mr. Black, our cat, became her patient. He did really well and tolerated her poking and prodding him.

1 comment:

Robin said...

All I can say is YUCK!!!! She looks so cute in her little bumbo seat, all flopped over! ;)