Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Shut up! Claire is three months old!

My oh my, where has the time gone? I can't believe my baby is 3 months old. In honor of her 3rd Month Birthday, here are some facts about our little cutie:

1. She is a big Momma's girl. She doesn't really like anyone else holding her except for me. She is getting better about letting Jonathon hold her.

2. She absolutely adores her big sister, Olivia. Whenever Olivia is around, Claire watches her and interacts with her.

3. She is feisty! If she doesn't like something, she has no problem letting you know.

4. She absolutely hates bath time. She screams and cries the WHOLE.ENTIRE.TIME. Any suggestions on how to make it less traumatic for her?

5. Sleeping at night is completely unpredictable. Sometimes she will go down at 9 or 10 p.m. If she goes down at 9 p.m., she is up at 3:30 a.m. wanting to eat and goes back to sleep until 6:30 a.m.. If she goes down at 10 p.m., she gets up at 5:00 a.m. wanting to eat and goes back down until 8 or 9 a.m. Obviously, I prefer 10:00 p.m., but it's up to her.

6. She is a talker. She loves to coo all the time.

7. She refuses to take a pacifier or a bottle. She hates both of these so much, she makes herself gag if you try to give her one.

8. She moved up from size 1 diapers to size 2 a couple of weeks ago.

9. She is starting to wear 3-6 month clothing.

10. We moved her to her crib in her room two weeks ago. She transitioned really well, but I haven't. I wake up at least once a night, in a fog, looking all around my bed for her. I guess I am dreaming that I am feeding her, but I can't find her. It scares me but then I really wake up and remember she is in her bed. Then, I will go in her room and check on her. Crazy, I know.

We do not go back to the doctor until March 15th for her 4 month appointment. I am pretty sure she is around 12 pounds, but I have been wrong before. If I get a chance, I will take her up to the Lactation Consultants' office at the hospital and get her weighed, but I don't know when I will do this.

Now, to what you all have been waiting for, pictures:

Is it wrong that I took her picture while she was in trouble and bawling? We are still trying to find the right discipline method to use and we recently started making her stand in the corner. I don't know if we will keep this one or not; we will give it a couple of more tries.


Lauren said...

I can't believe how fast time is going! 3 months already. She is precious Brandy:)

Anonymous said...

Did you try what I suggested lasr night?
Oh my how both girls are growing.
I really enjoyed talking to Olivia last night. She sounds so grown up.
With Love
Grandma n Grandpa