Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Photos galore from this weekend

We hope you all had a good 4th of July weekend; we did. For my birthday present, Jonathon painted my master bedroom and bathroom all weekend, and as soon as we have everything back in order, I will take pictures. We went to a parade on Friday and Jonathon was in charge of pictures since I sat on the curb with Olivia. He managed to get a picture of everything else but Olivia. She did wonderfully. The kids threw out all kinds of candy and she loved picking them up. She was very friendly and gave a sucker to a little boy who was sitting in his stroller sucking on his sucker. He was so pleased with Olivia's gesture, he gave her his half-eaten sucker as a token of his gratitude, and she accepted it graciously; too cute! Of course, we immediately took it out of her hands and gave it back to the little boy, but we all got a little chuckle. We went and watched fireworks and I was a little worried about how she would react to them, but she loved them. After every one would explode, she would wave her arm and say bye to each one.
I had plans to take Olivia swimming over the weekend to get her out of the house while Jonathon was painting and to do something fun outside, because everyone knows, it is too hot to play outside in Texas if you are not playing in water, but she got Swimmer's Ear Tuesday night so we couldn't go. I was bummed, but relieved at the same time.
We pretty much just hung around the house the rest of the weekend and it was nice.
I found out today that my doctor had to reschedule my 20 week checkup and Sonogram since he will be out of town the day I scheduled mine. So, instead of finding out the sex of the baby on the 24th, it is now the 21st...no complaints here.
The pictures are from Thursday night's gym class. She has such a blast and enjoys every second she is there. She is really starting to break out of her shell and growing up, sniff...sniff. Beforehand, she had a shake from Sonic. Boy, does that girl love her Sonic milkshakes; she loves anything sweet, chocolate or ice cream related. I also threw in a picture of her playing with her American flag scarf before the fireworks.


Lauren said...

too cute:) Glad yall had a good weekend. We cant wait to see the pictures of the new paint.

Robin said...

I am so glad that you got her involved in the gym class...She looks like she is having a ball!!! If I would just take my own advice and get my kids involved...Peyton could really use an outlet for all of that energy that tends to get her in trouble! hahaha maybe someday.

You talking about Sonic makes me hungry/thirsty for a vanilla DP over soft pebble ice...mmmmm!

Miss you

adam, elizabeth and connor said...

it looks like olivia had soo much fun at gymnastics! can't wait to hear if you are having a boy or girl! (and of course find out your name choice!)