Tuesday, March 4, 2008

What a week, and it is only Tuesday...

By the title of this blog, you can tell we have had a lot go on so far in a few days. Let's start with Sunday:
Olivia slept in, finally! She is an early bird, and likes to wake up between 6:30-7:30 a.m.; well, this morning, she woke up at 8:15 a.m. She still takes two naps a day and Jonathon put her down for her morning nap while I snoozed a little longer. About 20 minutes later, we both hear her on the monitor coughing and then she made a choking noise. Immediately, we both run into her room to discover she has thrown up. Jonathon pulled her out of her crib and took her to the bathroom for an immediate bath. I pulled off her bedding and rinsed it off in the other bathroom. Then, I used Clorox wipes and sanitized her mattress pad and her crib. If it was the flu, I wanted to stop it in it's tracks. The rest of the day was spent with a little girl who didn't want to do too much other than cuddle with her Momma and Daddy. By early evening, she started running a low grade fever, but she was still drinking lots of fluids but didn't eat too much.
On Monday morning, Olivia and I woke up at 8:30 a.m.; wow! I had already called in to work Sunday night to let them know I wouldn't be in on Monday. Olivia wasn't throwing up but she still wasn't feeling good. The vomiting was finished with, but it moved to diarrhea. She had quite a few nasty diapers and one really bad one after Jonathon got home. This one was so bad, his gag reflux almost kicked in. It went everywhere, her jeans, her onesie, her socks, our comforter, and I was stuck cleaning it all up. (Oh, I forgot the kicker to the story, our washer decided to go out Sunday night! Great! Just when I need it to clean poo clothes, blankets, and socks! Jeesh!) On top of all the pooing, it started to snow. It was so bizarre. We have been experiencing 70 plus degrees days for almost two weeks and out of nowhere, it snowed. At around 10:30 p.m., our power went out, and as soon as Jonathon and I lit all of our candles, the power came back on...figures!
This morning, Jonathon went in to work a little late due to the snow, but it was all melted by 1:00 p.m. and you would never know we had about a 1/4" of snow. CRAZY! It would have been so nice in Indiana for it to snow and then be completely melted the next day. Anyway, Olivia is doing better, she is eating and is more active, and the diarrhea has slowed down.
So, I have to go back to work tomorrow and to make up for the two days I have already missed, I am going to work Thursday, Friday and Saturday, too. Jonathon is going to Oklahoma this weekend for a Work-Manly Retreat. He leaves early Saturday morning and will come back early Sunday afternoon. It is just the guys in his department and they are going to go rock climbing and camping :) For Olivia and I, it will be a girl's weekend and we will probably go to Stonebriar Mall Saturday afternoon, eat lunch, shop, and go play at the play land. I love Momma and Olivia time; we have a great time.


Lauren said...

Oh Brandy, I am so sorry to hear about your sick little one. I know that is hard for everyone. I hope she continues to feel better and the rest of the week is uneventful. I am glad yall get to spend some girl time this weekend too:) Sounds like fun!

Robin said...

If we had been able to get together over Valentine's Day, I would say that we passed it on, however I think there is a little too much distance between us for the germs to travel. It sounds exactly like what we all had here!

And you are right about how great it would be for everything her to melt by 1:00!!! We had the nasty wintry mix yesterday and last night. It kept switching from rain, to freezing rain, to snow and then back again! Pretty yucky!

Thanks for the post, I was missing my Brandy time.